Stay strong and know that you are SO not alone in this!! It's likely that your ex misses you as you miss them, but just because you miss someone, it doesn't mean you should get back together. How could this happen to me? It’s been two months since my ex-girlfriend and I broke up—or since she broke up with me, I should say—and I’m miserable. The thought of being alone the rest of my life is not appealing. Breakups. babysteps at first. Rolling over and dying....that is not an option. Not necessarily the best solution, but for the moment it's all I've got. Let go of them. If the relationship ended for a reason that was nobody’s fault and your time together was generally pretty great, of course you’re going to miss the person who was such a big part of your life for a while. This last breakup that happened 4 months ago after a 2 plus year relationship has absolutely devestated me. Will I ever forget him? By Their certainly isn't anything wrong with what you are feeling. I was with my ex for 4 years. Have had therapy since and am happier. texas divorce laws for abandonment. i have to keep telling myself that whatever things i did wrong were mistakes and if i had known then what i know now, of course i wouldn't have done them. The relationship was horribly toxic and I was miserable with him, and yet, I was strangely more miserable without him. i'm sorry you're feeling so badly. I love him now just if not as strongly as I did before. Based on these statistics, you will also likely hear from your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend in the first 6 months. I was broken up with her for 5 months and wasnt getting much better.. if it werent for the fact that we got back together after the 5 months of breakup, I mightve continued to spiral and Id hate to see where Id end up, because after this third breakup, I attempted suicide... so I can definitely relate to whatever youre going through and trust me, theres nothing wrong wiht you. Things you know need fixing within yourself. I too can relate. Do the right thing and break up with your current boyfriend … The last thing he said to me was in Jan, when he told me to "get over it and move on". If you want to discover why exes come back after years, you should know that … Wow... you are not alone, my friend. It’s about how you relate the present to past and future. When I started to ride my mountain bike every day after work for an hour, it only took a little over a week and the change started to show!!! My last boyfriend left me suddenly 2 months ago. You say. the only person that can change how you feel is YOU. You may feel wrong and guilty when you miss or even think about a toxic ex, but here is why it's OK to still be slightly affected by a breakup even years after the fact. Loss of a pregnancy Experienced broken trust on her party not mine. Again, over 40 and starting over can seem like a very scary thing. Would love your thoughts, please comment. and in a year you look back and laugh at where you were. You will get some cold answers like "Get over it" or "move on", but yknow what? I only mention him when my friends bring him up on occasion (I guess they think I don't love him anymore). We were together for over a year and he was everything to me that year, he is literally all I can remember from last year. In October, we had a … To make matters worse, texted my ex to say happy birthday, the other day, and got nothing in response. And that’s normal. If you don’t, be patient and give your ex more time. The guy is still just couch hoping. ... My boyfriend of only a few months broke up with me suddenly two months ago, and I still can't get over it. But why? If you don’t, be patient and give your ex more time. Facebook. The fact of matter is, you may still miss your ex years after your breakup, and that's OK. Try focus on your self do things you never would of done which you always wanted to do. I'm 41 and we had planned to get married. 0 0. You cannot paste images directly. I mean, it has to...what are the other options? But the one thing that you can’t seem to figure out is why they still occupy so much space in your mind, and you want to know why you can’t stop thinking about this relationship after such a long time. not responding anymore, don't send another message.". After 2 months, I [27F] still miss my ex [28M], I feel so pathetic. Follow. Relaxing the body relaxes the mind far more than the other way around. Get rid of the negativity. Really. She just cut me out and moved on even when I tried to win her back regardless of her faults because i did love her even for her faults she never could be honest as she chose not to tell myself she got into a new relationship which hurt all over again when I found out through the grape vine from mutual friends. Not going to lie still hurts every time, I think about her. I walked in my home finding a break up note from him, blaiming me for all the problems in the relationship, to never contact him. What you had...what you should of had. We'll all get there, in our own time. None of those friends he broke up with me to hang out with, did ANYTHING for his birthday. As someone who is past 40, I think I get what you mean about it being harder to move on. I still think about him and miss him everyday. After I started to feel better, people started to come back in to my life. It doesn't help any that I have 2 other major issues going on as well. Anonymous. What ever your still feeling even tho it may hurt it is exactly what your suppose to be feeling right now. What happens when you have time? because youre already assuming something is wrong with you for still thinking about him. My boyfriend left me by moving a far distance for a new job and led me to believe I would be following him later, but when I got home from work the day he left. Sideswiped with the recycling thoughts and grief. She is still living with this loser and is now in another town. At the time i was still having little feelings for my ex crush. i too am still hurting a lot after 7 months after my breakup and no connection - i still cry about it a little almost every day. The fire of your depression will go down over time as long as you dont feel bad that you havent met some kind of "Deadline" for getting over him. Not the healthiest thing to do all day. The irony is that if you want to truly make your ex jealous, … had problems like any relationship. I was with my ex for 4 years. It's been 4 months since he broke up with me for someone else, 3.5 months of push and pull, and 11 days since he told me "time to move. That is still a mystery to me. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. if anything, i think there's something wrong with the ex who just leaves and moves on like nothing happened, but again, thats all subjective. It's been almost 6 months and I still miss my ex. I'm 44. He broke up with me citing that I didn’t seem to make a lot of effort from my end (though I do not believe so) and that made him stop investing in me after a point. I don't know the answer, because I'm still struggling too....but I guess I would say time, time, time. Even though things are great with my current woman and my ex treated me like shit and broke up with me in a horrible way, I still deeply miss my ex. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. I've noticed that as long as I stay incredibly busy, I'm okay. I delve into the pros and cons of each one. Try Relaxing Your Stomach More. I havent cried about him for months and this past couple of days I am so tearful, even crying writing this. I have been on a couple of dates with nice guys but I just dont want anyone else and dont find anyone attractive at all. I felt very comfortable with my ex. Pasted as rich text. what is wrong with me?. April 26, 2010 in Healing After Break Up or Divorce, Well I had a very difficult break up. He is more calm, shy, very handsome, tho lacks confidence, definitely an introvert, but he opened up with me very quickly and declared his love to me after 2 weeks of dating. Sorry I just really wanted to rant. Prior to this he didnt say a word after I quit my job to move with him, looked for new jobs in his area and tell my family and friends I was moving,,, I am in so much pain still writing this, I just have such a hole in my heart. Jerk. I miss my gf from 15 yrs ago.I saw her on facebook but dint have the courage to add her. with him i could be myself and i was feeling peace. × I keep thinking "Really, starting over AGAIN?" The first thing you should do is stop thinking theres something wrong with you, because it will only fuel a fire that doesnt need to be. I've been trying to figure out why I can't move on. it takes longer for some people to grieve and also depends on the nature of the relationships - there is no time limit as long as you don't allow yourself to feel completely helpless and give up on life. He is more calm, shy, very handsome, tho lacks confidence, definitely an introvert, but he opened up with me very quickly and declared his love to me after 2 weeks of dating. We were only together 6 months, but we had this amazing connection. It's your life live it for you and what ever is meant for you will not pass you by! A year after his breakup, one young man explained to me that he would imagine his ex being proud of him when he accomplished a difficult task. We all understand that breakups are meant to be difficult and painful. I discovered this at the height of my pain … If you miss your ex-boyfriend, push past the negative feelings. Your situation is almost identical to mine. perhaps it is related to how much you had invested in the relationship. If we take into consideration only the first 12 months, a total of 86 dumpers broke no contact and contacted their exes after 7.16 months on average. Talk about whirlwind! Dreams and expectations about how your life was supposed to be. My theory is that it has a lot to do with age, and the expectations that I had for our Rship to become a permanent bond. Still miss my ex boyfriend after 6 months? Anonymous. Write letters you don’t send. And it is sooo hard to get past! He was everything to me, together 2 years, dumped me by txt, moved on with new g/f after 6 weeks, now she has moved in with him, have had very little contact. So now I am constantly taking on (what seems like) more than I can handle. People like us just love with our whole heart and wear it on our sleeves we beleive people love equally which isn't true some people find it easy to love when things are running smooth but when relationships need work together they fail at their part. This is NOT how my life was supposed to be! And then a few days later he said it’s over between us and we should just be friends. My ex and I were together for about 6 months, after which he temporarily relocated to a new city. You body will process it and each day will hurt less and less until one day you wake up and you won't think about it again. If your able too, start excersing for you and set mini goals to achieve excersie is a great stress relief and recommend to combat stress and depression. × You go On and on with the inner voices in your head. Twitter. And sometimes I feel like I'm old and gonna be alone the rest of my life.
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