The plans were expected to receive approval on 10 December, but the decision was delayed by a month due to the meeting being postponed (see story ). Occupied wet-led pubs in either Tier 2 or Tier 3 restrictions on either 2 December 2020 or 16 December 2020 may be eligible for a one-off £1,000 flat-rate grant payment. We understand that times are still challenging for businesses and there is lots of information to remember, so we have put together a simple workplace checklist poster to help you ensure that you are taking all the necessary measures to make sure your business is COVID-19 safe. Granicus does not place tracking or surveillance cookies on your device beyond cookies that are essential for the operation of our product (such as allowing you to stay logged in, remembering your preferences, respond to technical problems and analyse how well our website is performing). to the changes required as part of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Audit and Procurement ... 2.1 This report is presented alongside the Audit Findings Report of the Council’s external auditors Grant Thornton which details any significant changes to the draft accounts published in June. Plymouth City Council was allocated £5.2 million through the Government’s Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) to support local businesses that were impacted by the national coronavirus restrictions from 5 November to 2 December. COVID Winter Grant Scheme: Coventry City Council have funding to help those most in need with the cost of food, energy (heating, cooking, lighting), water bills and other essential items during the winter period. If you are a social care or health organisation, then prior to seeking support with emergency PPE from the Council, you must seek supplies of PPE from your usual suppliers. Action cards are available for each of the following settings: Advice for businesses that are looking to make provision for takeaways and deliveries where they have not done so before. Applications for grants to which you are not eligible is delaying the payments we get to your business and other businesses. Check how the new Brexit rules affect you ... Coronavirus (COVID-19) Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support Brexit. Find out more Health Advice Find guidance and advice from the government, NHS and Public Health […] As such Local Authorities have been allocated Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) funds to support businesses that fall into the following categories: This grant will provide support for those businesses affected in the second (5 November - 2 December 2020) and third national lockdown (5 January 2021 - 15 February 2021). Information and support for Council suppliers. Information and support for Council suppliers, support with emergency PPE from the Council, Guidance for businesses who are permitted to remain open, including an overview of the advice to businesses from the Government and the NHS, we have put together a simple workplace checklist poster, One initial payment covering 42 day initial lockdown - 5 January 2021 to 15 February 2021, Rateable value £15,001 - £51,000 = £6,000, Rateable value <£15,001 = £2,001 per 42 days, Rateable value £15,001 - £51,000 = £3,000 per 42 days, Rateable value £51,000> = £4,500 per 42 days, Rateable value <£15,001 = £667 per 14 days, Rateable value £15,001 - £51,000 = £1,000 per 14 days, Rateable value £51,000> = £1,500 per 14 days, Your business property is registered in the non-domestic rating list and is subject to business rates, Your business is forced to close from 2 December, Your business is severely impacted financially from 2 December and you operate within the leisure, hospitality or accommodation sectors, Rateable Value is £15,000 or below = £1334 per 28-day qualifying restriction period, Rateable Value is over £15,000 but below £51,000 = £2000 per 28-day qualifying restriction period, Rateable Value is £51,000 or above = £3000 per 28-day qualifying restriction period, Businesses who do not pay Business Rates and who were legally mandated to close between 5 November 2020 - 2 December 2020 or 5 January 2021 - 15 February 2021, Businesses who do pay Business Rates but were not legally mandated to close are also eligible for ARG. To receive alerts of the latest updates, please connect with our LinkedIn page, follow our Twitter account and subscribe to our Business newsletter. Crowdfund Coventry offered +Extra funding to those in the culture and sports sector who have been adversely affected by COVID-19. It has also announced specific measures for retail, leisure and hospitality businesses. Please enable JavaScript in the browser settings. The Council will be undertaking post payment verification. Introduction. Small Business Rate relief will be shown on your bill if you receive it, and the governm… We encourage you to print or download the relevant action card, so it is readily available in your setting. Action cards are available for each of the following business types: Download a resource pack containing the action cards. Additional information has also been announced regarding new lockdown grants to support businesses and protect jobs. We do not use Analytics or Advertising technology on our product platforms. FREE school meals and warm clothing will be provided for disadvantaged children in Coventry over Christmas and the February half term. The government is providing additional Small Business Grant Scheme funding to help us support small businesses. For more information on reopening your business, including links to sector-specific guidance, please visit the Business Advice Hub. Cookie Policy. Citylife Business Support is a new service for SME’s who have be adversely affected by COVID-19. We are busy processing these applications for the various schemes but due to the volume and popularity of the scheme this is a time consuming exercise. This page has now been updated with links to the funding schemes below. Fraudsters have been targeting COVID-19 support funds. Coventry City Council’s Community Resilience team have assisted Langar Aidto secure two grants from Crisis (homeless charity) and the Heart of England Community Foundation that will assist them with feeding homeless people and families during the current pandemic Langar Aid and As Suffaare both co… SPRINGFIELD, Mo.- Several issues were discussed by the Springfield City Council Monday, Jan. 11, including the $128,000 Regional Coronavirus Vaccine Efforts grant from the … New applications will be mid-February 2021. More information on cookies. Coventry businesses affected by the coronavirus can now apply for support. The government has announced a range of grant packages to support local businesses impacted by restriction measures in place to manage the COVID-19 crisis. The purpose of the grant is to provide businesses with cash flow support and to help them survive the economic consequences of the restrictions introduced. Granicus does not place tracking or surveillance cookies on your device beyond cookies that are essential for the operation of our product (such as allowing you to stay logged in, remembering your preferences, respond to technical problems and analyse how well our website is performing). Please also make sure you have read the Terms and Conditions. The application will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and you need to make sure you have read the relevant Government and Public Health guidance for your country before you begin. The Action Cards are designed to be printed or downloaded to keep on-hand in your business or organisation. All rights reserved. The Council will determine for which grant you are eligible based on your responses in the application form. This site is powered by Self. Applications for this support payment close on 31 January 2021. We encourage you to print or download the relevant action card, so … There are two types of grant and a single application process exists for both grants. Please complete the form below if you meet any of the following criteria: Please read the detailed guidance at the start of the application process before submitting your application. Hampshire County Council has increased the annual grant available for local projects, initiatives and organisations allocated by each county councillor, and brought forward the window for applications, in response to the Coronavirus outbreak. Community Foundation Wales (Wales). ... Coventry City Council … COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Offer of help - Coventry City Council Granicus does not place tracking or surveillance cookies on your device beyond cookies that are essential for the operation of our product (such as allowing you to stay logged in, remembering your preferences, respond to technical problems and analyse how well our website is performing). Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (GOV.UK) COVID-19 Corporate Financing Facility, help for large businesses through the purchase of their short-term debt (GOV.UK) government Future Fund; Musicians' Union Coronavirus Hardship Fund; National Lottery Community Fund, for organisations supporting people and communities affected by COVID-19 If you have any further questions about 'We're Good To Go" please take a look at the Visit Britain website. This support is separate from, and in addition to, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Restrictions Fund to support employees and businesses impacted by local COVID-19 restrictions, from 9 October until 1 November. This browser version is not supported. Coventry City Council Public Health team has developed local action cards for different settings that include the steps to be taken, as well as local contact details should you have a potential COVID-19 outbreak. This grant has been designed to make best use of existing schemes and other forms of support to help those in need. All content © 2021 Coventry City Council. All rights reserved. If these suppliers are not able to meet your requirements, then you are required to contact suppliers listed on our PPE support page. Applications for that funding closed on 3 November. It is very important that you read the eligibility information to ensure that you apply only for a grant to which your business may eligible. Coronavirus Outbreak Information and Updates Previous Next NEWS & UPDATES NEWS & UPDATES RECOVERY SURVEY COMPLETE THE SURVEY Grants & Loans The government has announced a number of grant and loan schemes to support businesses through the Covid-19 outbreak. If it is found that you are not eligible and have not returned the payment, the Council will reclaim the grants from you. One-off grant for retail, hospitality and leisure during national lockdown payable in addition to LRSG closed addendum - 5 January onwards and the same qualifying criteria. Analysis via Public Health England shows that 70% of new infections in the city are the new variant, which the Government has said is far more transmissible than the original strain. Coventry and Warwickshire Schemes – WCC Funded This includes advice on how to keep your employees safe and how to clean workplaces safely. Peterborough City Council. Public Health England has released action cards for businesses that summarise the steps that should be taken to manage a possible outbreak of COVID-19. ... First payment and one off grant by end January 2021 based on information received from the November grant applications. The value of grants payable under the Local Restrictions Support Grants (LRSG) scheme are linked to the Rateable Value (RV) for occupied properties subject to Business Rates and are summarised: Applicants that were awarded ARG in Round 1 for the second national lockdown period 5 November - 2 December 2020, do not need to complete an application form, as the payment for Round 2 will be made automatically. OXFORD is set to become one of the UK’s first all-electric bus cities. Find out more information about eligibility criteria and access the application form. The Council is working as quickly as possible to issue payments to businesses. The Council will use your application for the November lockdown to make a new payment for the current lockdown unless you are a garden centre and not currently mandated to close in the current lockdown. Coventry City Council and Warwickshire County Council. The government has created a support finder that will help you see what support your business can apply for.. Businesses may be eligible to apply for financial support through the ARG if they: Coventry City Council Public Health team has developed local action cards for different settings that include the steps to be taken, as well as local contact details should you have a potential COVID-19 outbreak. This includes those with No Recourse to Public Funds. The government has put in place a number of different grants for different periods and levels of restriction. Businesses who are involved in the supply chain (or are otherwise closely involved) with the retail, hospitality, leisure, accommodation, entertainment, personal care or market trading sectors, who were not forced to close on 5 November and 5 January 2021, but have experienced adverse financial impact as a result of the introduction of local restrictions. These measures include grants, unlimited loans and guarantees to support firms and help them manage staff wages and cashflow through this period. Council Tax. Name of Fund: Wales Coronavirus Resilience Fund The Wales Coronavirus Resilience Fund has been created to provide grants of up to £5,000 to Charities, constituted community groups, social enterprises and community/town councils running activities to support the community through the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic in Wales. Here is more information about how to enable it in your browser. Applications are now closed and all grants have been awarded.. The Government recognises that some businesses which are required to close due to coronavirus restrictions may not have rateable commercial premises (and therefore won’t be covered by the Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG) scheme), and others won’t have been forced to close, but they will be significantly financially impacted. You will receive an email within 14 days to confirm that a payment will be made. Your account, who has to pay, banding, how it's calculated, discounts & exemptions, how we spend it… Benefits. National lockdown grant from 5 January for non-essential retail, leisure, sports, personal care and hospitality sectors. Coronavirus (COVID-19) For support and advice about council services please call 01926 410410. Find out more information regarding eligibility criteria and access the application form. If you have any questions please email [email protected].. Warwick District Community Forum Grant Scheme 2020/21 Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme Gives an 80% government guarantee on loans of up to £25m to firms with an annual turnover of £45m or more. Grant payments. The Government has announced a series of measures to significantly increase the economic support available to businesses and workers during coronavirus. Includes a discretionary element for non-ratepayers. Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support, budgeting, local assistance grants & loans, benefits calculator, appeals… Bins & Recycling. Please check back on this page for further information. Nottingham City Council - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Support for businesses inc. Business Rates and Grants. If your circumstances have changed so that you no longer qualify for the current grants then you must inform the Council and return the payment. Upon successful completion of the application, you will be sent a secure link to download your certificate, mark and a toolkit with practical steps for telling your customers that your business is Good to Go. All content © Coventry City Council. Coventry City Council is also keen to provide support for businesses in the following local target sectors: Homeworkers, self-employed and freelancers, Independently owned manufacturing businesses (employing less than 250 employees) which have suffered a significant drop in income due to COVID-19 pandemic and have a plan to reopen as part of a new resilient supply chain for industry when the economy opens up, Cinemas, theatres, comedy venues and music venues, Dress fitters, tailors and fashion designers, Hairdressing, barbershops, beauty and nail bars, makeup, and tattoo and spray tanning studios, Manufacturing of food and other large processing plants, Restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes or takeaways, Spas, sports and massage therapy, wellbeing and holistic centres. Coventry City council has been awarded £1.3million government as part of the government’s Covid Winter Grant Scheme to support the most vulnerable households during the ongoing pandemic. Businesses that are eligible under the Local Restrictions Support Grants (LRSG) scheme in Coventry are initially those that have been mandated to close by Government and include non-essential retail, leisure, personal care, sports facilities and hospitality businesses. The scheme will run between 1st December 2020 and 31st March 2021. The grant seeks to complement other Covid-19 response measures to support businesses, social enterprises and charitable organisations in Wales. take a look at the Visit Britain website. This page has details on national business grants that are available and how you can apply for them. Support with finances, benefits, employment and skills, Businesses and venues which can remain open, new lockdown grants to support businesses and protect jobs, report a COVID-19 concern about a business online, Coventry COVID-19 (Coronavirus) business grants, Christmas Support Payment for wet-led pubs (CSP) grant, Local Restrictions Support Grants (LRSG) funding, Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) funding, Food businesses providing delivery/takeaway services, Guidance for businesses who are permitted to remain open, LRSG (closed) addendum - 5 January onwards payment, Government summary of COVID-19 business support availability, Government coronavirus business support finder, Download a resource pack containing the action cards, Apply now to confirm your business has taken the necessary measures. These automatic payments are scheduled to be made during the last week in January 2021. Apply now to confirm your business has taken the necessary measures and is operating in line with the Government guidelines and Public Health guidance (relating to English businesses) clearly set out in your COVID-19 Risk Assessment. Some page elements may not display correctly or not display at all! The fund is currently closed and will re-open next year. We awarded $5 million in grants to businesses for investing in online and e-commerce capabilities, taking part in training and professional development, and undertaking capital works. Visit Coventry: Coronavirus Advice and Resources In response to the implementation of lockdown in England, all of our non-essential retail, leisure and hospitality businesses are now closed and all events have now been postponed, cancelled or moved online. ... Coventry City Council If you're concerned that a Coventry business is not following the Government's instructions to prevent the spread of coronavirus, you can report a COVID-19 concern about a business online. The new variant of coronavirus is now said to be responsible for over two thirds of new infections in Coventry and the West Midlands. This scheme helps businesses affected by coronavirus to access finance of up to £5m and for up to six years. If they do this, they have an obligation to let you know where this is the case, and what the benefits and costs are, and what options you have. The funding aimed to help Coventry's businesses and residents access an immediate alternative revenue stream, and a community of support. The most reliable NHS data on Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull dashboard shows that during the seven days up to January 14, the city had a Covid-19 rate of … Granicus does not place tracking or surveillance cookies on your device beyond cookies that are essential for the operation of our product (such as allowing you to stay logged in, remembering your preferences, respond to technical problems and analyse how well our website is performing). The latest R number in the Midlands is estimated at 0.8 to 0.9 with a daily growth rate range of -4 % to -1% . Support for businesses during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Birmingham City Council Coronavirus (Covid-19) business support grants provided by Allerdale Borough Council. Find out about the specific grant payments: If your business has made a successful application for the Local Restrictions Support Grant funding for the national lockdown period 5 November to 2 December then you do not need to apply for the LRSG for the current lockdown nor the Closed Business Lockdown Payment from 5 January nor the LRSG (closed) - tier 4 from 31 December 2020 to 4 January 2021. If you are yet to complete monitoring and End of Project report forms for a previous project, please complete the End of Project report form.. 1. Coventry city council looks set to grant planning permission for an in-house materials recycling facility (MRF) at a planning committee meeting on 14 January. “We’re Good To Go” is the official UK mark to signal that a tourism and hospitality business has worked hard to follow Government and industry COVID-19 guidelines and has a process in place to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing. We encourage you to print the poster and put it up in your workplace so that all staff can see what they should be adhering to. Further support is available for businesses from 2 December 2020 who are either forced to close due to Tier 3 restrictions or that are severely impacted financially by the existence of either Tier 2 or Tier 3 restrictions. Daily updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Coventry Tier 3 restrictions will be imposed on Coventry from 3 December. You’ll also find a local email address should you require any further guidance. Full details of changes to county councillors’ grants. Guidance for businesses who are permitted to remain open, including an overview of the advice to businesses from the Government and the NHS. If you have previously applied for funding you may not need to apply again, or you may only need to complete a shorter application. The Government have introduced a series of grant schemes to assist businesses who have been ordered to close or have been severely impacted by restrictions in response to the threat posed by Coronavirus (COVID-19). Please use Internet Explorer 8 or higher. WCC Councillors’ Grant Fund. All of the grants available are set out below. Cookie Policy. Some of our customers may install Analytics or other types of tracking technologies upon your device, for example; in order to monitor your website use and they may share this with third parties. Tier 4 grant for non-essential retail, leisure, sports, personal care and hospitality sectors. The email will explain that the Council assumes that the circumstances resulting in your eligibility for the November payment remain valid. Read the eligibility for the current lockdown support. We have received in excess of 10,000 grant applications for the LRGS Open, Closed, Sector and ARG grant schemes. Categories in Warwickshire County Council and Other Business Loan & Grant Programmes. This scheme is designed to support local businesses affected by the national lockdown (5 November to 2 December 2020). Read more: Covid-19 support for businesseson GOV.UK To qualify for the grant you must be either receive Small Business Rate Relief or your business activity must fall into the expanded retail, hospitality or leisure sectors. During the COVID-19 (coronavirus) emergency, all known rough sleepers and people using night shelters in Coventry had been offered accommodation. The Additional Restriction Grant scheme will be awarded on a first come, first served basis with the window open for 10 working days from 21 January 2021 until 3 February 2021 11:59PM, or until funds have been allocated – whichever comes sooner. 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