Tolerance forgives my prejudices, my innate sense of bias and authority. I find myself thinking a lot these days about whether Love is a principle compatible with our current version of civic selfhood, or nationhood. I visited the unmarked site of many a long-ago slave auction. If anything, it’s really just an ode to makeup. Love tells me that your needs must be as important to me as mine are; that I can only truly honor and protect myself by honoring and protecting you. The years of preparation, of tedious study and exciting learning at least begin to make sense. Ruth M. Adams: [Ninth president of Wellesley College] In addition to inviting Senator Brooke to speak to them this morning, the Class of '69 has expressed a desire to speak to them and for them at this morning's commencement. You'll know from that small and true voice inside you that we females are so often socialized to silence. I already knew that the world does not extend to women the many small courtesies that it extends to men. I thought I’d urge you, as you move away from this institution that places a premium upon thought and speech, upon intellectual rigor and mindful social endeavor, to hold the language that enters your ears and mind and imagination to a standard of clarity, intelligence, and integrity. I like the ways that God’s love works in the sources of inspiration and instruction that have sustained African American life in this country for centuries. Now the work begins. Write television shows in which female strength is not depicted as remarkable but merely normal. Our Commencement speaker was a man (this much I remember) - Neil McElroy, Eisenhower's Secretary of Defense. A loud, unpleasant man. My mother is 73 and she retired as the first female registrar of the University of Nigeria—which was quite a big deal at the time. In my work as an educator, and my life as a citizen, I have been heartened and edified by the ways members of your generation have chosen to see and to act in the world. Thank you for resisting the safe and self-serving choices that would facilitate rewards without struggle. In 1969, Hillary Rodham delivered the first-ever Wellesley college student commencement speech. My mother was about to get seated there when a clerk came over and made to remove the sign. Renewal often arises only after a purposeful troubling, as in the African American spiritual, “Wade in the Water,” which urges faith in the phrase: “Wade in the Water” and then promises redemptive upheaval with what follows: “God’s gonna trouble the water.”. Tracy K. Smith addressed the Class of 2018 at Wellesley’s 140th Commencement Exercises. I could either stay and study something that was not right for me. Good morning and thank you. It would have been a lie to claim that she had any major influence on my thinking. "Why would your mother want to be called a chairman, as though she needed the MAN part to validate her?" And thank you for that wonderful welcome. I was about 23, but people often told me I looked 12. The truth is that I learned so much more about feminism from watching the women traders in the market in Nsukka where I grew up, than from reading any seminal feminist text. Ephron graduated from Wellesley in 1962, where she studied political science and wrote for the student newspaper. He pulled my mind from the spin-cycle of anger and hurt and powerlessness that the preschool situation had created, and sent me into my day—my life—restored. … But on second thoughts, I realized that as much as I admire Wellesley, even yellow eye-shadow was a bit too much of a gesture. Who hasn’t changed for love? Women are praised for their love when that love is an act of giving. I say all of that in order to open these remarks with my humble and sincere thanks. Some time ago, while traveling in rural Georgia and South Carolina for research, I found myself visiting many sites that testify to the barbaric reality of slavery as one of this country’s founding institutions. Wellesley's 137th graduating class celebrated commencement on May 29, 2015. I think the challenge incumbent upon your generation—upon all of us really, but because of your age, perhaps you stand the best chance of meeting it—the great challenge within or beneath the challenges of climate change, of school safety, of supporting and defending one another’s mental health, the challenge of a fair and humane immigration policy, and of a host of competing urgencies—is the challenge of Loving in such a way that your sense of security, gratitude, honor, belief, joy and worth affirms and amplifies those things in others. She wanted the sign left exactly where it was. I imagined I’d urge you, as I urge myself, not to allow the market for products and services, apps and devices to delimit your terms of need, discernment, wonder and worth. Like many people concerned by the various urgencies characterizing our time, I struggle with worry even as I strive to be an agent of thoughtful change. She's a big admirer of Wellesley, and she wishes she could be here. We can not always bend the world into the shapes we want but we can try, we can make a concerted and real and true effort. There are other, larger examples of compassionate acts, but this small scene comes to mind for me as embodying a lot of what compassion means. my friend asked. On the last night of this trip, I attended a ring shout, where the deep faith and abiding courage of the enslaved was honored in song and dance. The "commencement" is a ceremony in which degrees or diplomas are conferred upon graduating students. Ms. Morrison addressed the 2004 graduating class of Wellesley College. Critical Analysis of Barbara Bush’s Wellesley College Commencement Address On June 1 st, 1990, Barbara Pierce Bush delivered a Commencement Address at Wellesley College. In all the many things you will go on to teach one another and the world, I want you to teach the world you are right now inheriting to love itself in a way it does not yet believe that it can. In this age of ‘parenting as guilt,’ please spread the guilt equally. But now, because I am a parent, perhaps, I am striving for the courage and the skill to embody another manner of love. Nora Ephron '62 speaking at Wellesley College Commencement 1996. And thank you President Bottomly for that wonderful introduction. In the 1950's, it was Wellesley's custom in invite the parent of a graduating senior, someone in public life, to give the Commencement address. "You are not special" speech at 2012 Wellesley High School Graduation Now girls are often raised to see love only as giving. Walk through those doors and make your strides long and firm and sure. I argued that it would be better if that honor were based on achievement rather than gender, and he looked at me and said, dismissively, "You don’t know what you are talking about, you’re a small girl.". I have said a few things that have not been so popular with a number of people. I don’t mean to sound precious but please don’t waste your time on earth, but there is one exception. Thank you for finding time, amid all the many things you as college students must keep up with, for caring about the world beyond this beautiful campus. Another person, a stranger, treated me as I was momentarily incapable of treating myself. Speaking of eye shadow, I wasn’t very interested in makeup until I was in my twenties, which is when I began to wear makeup. And I knew that privilege blinds because it is the nature of privilege to blind. It is my pleasure and my tremendous honor to address you as the graduating class of 2018. From watching the world. Thank you for that generous introduction, President Bottomly, or should I say KBot, as I understand you are affectionately called by your students? Delivered 1 June 1990. The conversation at dinner was about traditional Igbo culture, about the custom that allows only men to break the kola nut, and the kola nut is a deeply symbolic part of Igbo cosmology. To get this prize, I was required to talk about how important a particular European feminist woman writer had been to me. Think about what really matters to you. Or I could try and do something different. So instead of language, what I want to talk about today is love. May 28, 1982. I told myself that I would tough it out and become a psychiatrist and that way I could use my patients’ stories for my fiction. Ignoring me, my dog somehow managed to shake her head and free herself of the leash. I’ve marveled at the empathetic genius by which you are able to embrace, employ and devise new terms for a larger, more malleable sense of selfhood; at the moral questions you pause to formulate and ponder even in the face of all the many kinds of progress you have begun to drive. But ‘because you are a woman’ is not one of them. I am inspired by the strides you’ve taken toward fostering a more welcoming and a compassionate space for people across lines of gender identity and sexual orientation; by your willingness to engage in difficult-yet-necessary conversations about racial bias and understanding; by your studious determination to mitigate the oversights and failures of those whose delight at what they can produce, control and sell has wrought havoc upon the environment; by your willingness to advocate on behalf of those whose safety and security is threatened for any number of reasons. Barbara Bush incorporated Monroe’s motivated sequence, Aristotle’s three appeals, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and several rhetorical devices to increase the effectiveness of her special occasion speech. Nora Ephron’s Commencement Address To Wellesley Class Of 1996. I struggled to understand how much of the preschool director’s dismissal of their potential had to do with race. Go Hillary! I could have said that this woman was important to me, and I could have talked the talk, and I could have been given the prize and a shiny present. I realized I would be a very unhappy doctor and I really did not want to be responsible for the inadvertent death of my patients. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie addressed the class of 2015 at Wellesley’s 137th Commencement Exercises, 2015 Pinanski Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Among other things, her speech addressed student protests, which she had supported as president of Wellesley College Government Association, and was delivered following the official commencement speech from Massachusetts … Recently a feminist organization kindly nominated me for an important prize in a country that will remain unnamed. Because there are already too many articles that tell women how to keep a man happy. I want to challenge you to trouble the notion that love is reserved for an elect few, and that the scrap of tolerance is what we will occasionally toss to the rest. Mrs. Bush’s invitation to speak created controversy on campus when a group of students petitioned to have the invitation rescinded. It’s a slight story on the surface, but underneath there’s the proverbial ocean. Congratulations! Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Hillary Clinton Wellesley in … Print friendly. I think that’s an important message, but it’s not as important as the underlying capacity that I believe animates all of the many strides your generation is already making, all of the manners of change and growth you’re already fighting to foster. Minister to the world in a way that can change it. My dog ran up to accost the other dog and its owner. And eyeliner. Needless to say, my heart was heavy with sorrow and disturbance, but also full of gratitude for the long and ongoing contribution African Americans have made to the principles of freedom and justice in this country. So when the dog owner looked at me, smiled and said “It’s okay,” he restored me, and even my sons, who weren’t even with Coco and me on the walk, to a place of innate worth. My mother said no. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Wellesley College sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. She cautioned them against the degradation of civil rights and other political dangers. So I decided to try to look older. But to love is to give AND to take. When God appears in the old testament, he is often a source of upheaval, of troubling, he urges a plumbing of the depths, a mining of great spiritual dredge, a stirring up of the smooth surface, an animating of what might appear to be calm. He was released after we paid a ransom. The years of preparation, of tedious study and exciting learning at least begin to make sense. You are ridiculously lucky to be graduating from this bastion of excellence and on these beautiful acres. Just as every President approaches his job differently, every First Lady views her position in a different way. Wellesley Celebrates its 140th Commencement Exercises on Friday, June 1, at 10:30 am I always liked this story, and admired what I thought of as my mother’s fiercely feminist choice. Audio excerpts of Hillary Clinton's 1969 student commencement address at Wellesley College have been released for the first time by the college. Actually, she said, she WAS a chairman. It was a complicated set of feelings, a weighty inner weather, that was bolstered by a woman who chose to see me, and to invoke the vocabulary of Love. Such as strategically give in to certain arguments, especially when arguing with a non-female. It stood out because of how she said it, and because she said it … And thank you President Bottomly for that wonderful introduction. Now it might not have worked out. Barbara Bush Wellesley College Commencement Speech. But it shouldn’t. My mother and I do not agree on many things regarding gender. I wasn’t alone. I once told the story to a friend, a card carrying feminist, and I expected her to say bravo to my mother, but she was troubled by it. I have admired Wellesley—its mission, its story, its successes—for a … So I thought lipstick might help. He was one of the guests at a friend’s dinner party. And, finally I would like to end with a final note on the most important thing in the world: love. Speech Analysis by Kellyn Muller. She related the story by Robert Fulghum about a young pastor, finding himself in charge of some very energetic children, hits upon the game called "Giants, Wizards, and Dwarfs." And you are privileged that, because of your education here, you have already been given many of the tools that you will need to try. It’s really just to say that this, your graduation, is a good time to buy some lipsticks—if makeup is your sort of thing—because a good shade of lipstick can always put you in a slightly better mood on dark days. And for a number of days, my family and I went through the kind of emotional pain that I have never known in my life. I am inspired by the strides you’ve taken toward fostering a more welcoming and a compassionate space for people across lines of gender identity and sexual orientation; by your willingness to engage in difficult-yet-necessary conversations about racial bias and understanding; by your studious determination to mitigate the oversights and failures of those whose delight at what they can produce, control and sell has wrought havoc upon the environment; by your willingness to advocate on behalf of those whose safety and security is threatened for any number of reasons. In love, I found courage, a willingness to race forward into new places, new experiences, new risks. And the other dog owner, a youngish man with glasses, looked me in the eye and, smiling, radiating what felt to me at the time as sheer grace, said, simply, “It’s okay.”. In my work as an educator, and my life as a citizen, I have been heartened and edified by the ways members of your generation have chosen to see and to act in the world. I was very pleased. But I was startled by how many people, many of whom were academics, saw something troubling, even menacing, in this. I am lucky that my writing has given me a platform that I choose to use to talk about things that I care about, and. All the past meetings had of course been chaired by men, and somebody had forgotten to replace the CHAIRMAN with a new sign that said CHAIRPERSON. And thank you for that wonderful welcome. I am an absolute Daddy’s girl. "Commencement Address at Wellesley College" by Barbara Bush June 1st 1990 Audience Direct Indirect Graduates from Wellesley College, a prestigious and entirely female school. But God’s love isn’t an easy balm. I’ve marveled at the empathetic genius by which you are able to embrace, employ and devise new terms for a larger, more malleable sense of selfhood; at the moral questions you pause to formulate and ponder even in the face of all the many kinds of progress you have begun to drive. And I am grateful to that man because I have since come to love makeup, and its wonderful possibilities for temporary transformation. Make fathers share in the glory of guilt. Graduates, Now the joy begins. In 1990, Barbara Bush delivered the commencement speech at Wellesley College in Massachusetts. Wellesley College Class of 2004~ I have to confess to all of you, Madame President, Board of Trustees, members of the faculty, relatives, friends, students. Thank you for belonging to a generation that has so far proven itself unafraid of the notion of struggle. Because I’m a poet, and because I believe poets are best when they are speaking through their poems, I want to close with a poem. Perhaps none. Cathie Black, president of Hearst Magazines, will address the approximately 600 members of the Class of 2008 and their friends and families at Wellesley College’s 130th Commencement Friday, May 30, at 10:30 am on Severance Green. Hire more women where there are few. Wellesley College Commencement Address - May 28, 1982. Because life is messy. The jumble of words and the tangle of small and great thoughts begin to take order, and this morning you can see a small portion, an … Tolerance is a barely-disguised foul look on my face as I glance across some line from me and us to you and them. And so, class of 2015, please go out there and make Feminism a big raucous inclusive party. 25 February 2008 TO BE THE “other half” of the President to the United States holds an interesting amount of responsibility, influence, and confidence. I can think of fairly good reasons for doing any of these. I was also a guest. As with romantic love, that benchmark in many of our lives, compassionate civic regard—Love—assures me that giving you what you need is a way of ministering to myself, to the Us that you and I together make. Tolerance is the bare minimum I can muster without getting disgusted and stomping away. I bring greetings to you from my mother. Commission magazine articles that teach men HOW TO KEEP A WOMAN HAPPY. But remember that a woman you hire doesn’t have to be exceptionally good. Spanning from her childhood to her 2016 presidential run, Hillary tells the story of Hillary Clinton —in her own words. YouTube Barbara Pierce Bush delivers the Commencement Address at Wellesley College. If you are only giving and not taking, you'll know. Teach your students to see that vulnerability is a HUMAN rather than a FEMALE trait. We tend to avoid that word when we talk about politics, about demographics and policy, employing in its place a term like “tolerance.” But tolerance is meager. Now the truth was that I had never managed to finish this feminist writer’s book. A commencement speech is typically given by a notable figure in the … The clerk apologized and told her he would find the new sign, since she was not a chairman. My father is 83 years old, a retired professor of statistics, a lovely kind man. It was in a large conference room, and at the head of the table was a sign that said CHAIRMAN. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Hillary Clinton Wellesley sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. Because I had begun to ask myself what it really means to wear this FEMINIST label so publicly. Who hasn’t dreamt of being changed, transformed by it? categories: Commencement Address, Speeches. But it’s not simple, not sweetly pat, for in order to embrace Love, I must move past fear, past a fixation on my own claim to power or authority. I thought it was a very good thing that the word ‘feminist’ would be introduced to a new generation. If someone likes that version of you, that version of you that is false and holds back, then they actually just like that twisted shape, and not you. She called me yesterday to ask how the speech-writing was going and to tell me to remember to use a lot of lotion on my legs today so they would not look ashy. Because if there were a Standard Handbook published annually by the Secret Society of Certified Feminists, then that handbook would certainly say that a woman should not be called, nor want to be called, a CHAIRMAN. Kara Hadge is the 2008 Student Commencement Speaker . Always just try. And if the goddesses and gods of the universe do the right thing, then you will also very soon be the proud alumnae of the college that produced America’s first female president! But gender is always about context and circumstance. The annals of popular music, archives of cinema and a great parcel of the cannon of enduring literature concern themselves with love between two people. The past three weeks have been the most emotionally difficult of my life. From childhood. We were talking to threatening strangers on the phone, begging and negotiating for my father’s safety and we were not always sure if my father was alive. Thank you for reminding me that struggle fosters growth, and that rewards alone are a distraction from the larger work each of you—each of us—is here to do, which is to evolve in mind and spirit, and to change the lives of others for the better. And the world is such a gloriously multifaceted, diverse place that there are people in the world who will like you, the real you, as you are. That degree, and the experience of being here, is a privilege. Like a majority of the men who get hired, she just needs to be good enough. After all, Love is world-creating. Wellesley will open doors for you. I decided to try. In the week prior, my husband and I had been pressured to withdraw our young sons from a private nursery school because of their classroom-behavior--behavior that would later (but not yet, not at the time of the walk I’m remembering) align us with the many other children and their families living with autism. I stayed in a former plantation that still sits on thousands of acres of beautiful un-redisturbed land. A commencement speech or commencement address is a speech given to graduating students, generally at a university, generally in the United States, although the term is also used for secondary education institutions.. Feel courageous at all because she said it, and at the head the! Be as important to you today about language was to write stories places. You somehow morally better beautiful idea, I think I might not have been an! Think of love as a way to illustrate my discovery of gender injustice Commencement.. 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wellesley commencement speech
wellesley commencement speech 2021