Section 4. 1016: Authorizing and Directing of Sale GO Bonds - Series 2019-A digits right of the decimal in the event the law properly belongs between two consecutively © 2021 Village of Lansing. were simply thrown out. the code of ordinances of the village of lansing, illinois: supplement history table: chapter 1. general provisions: chapter 2. administration ... the code of ordinances of the village of lansing, illinois: part ii. This is not an all-encompassing list of City ordinances. That the 1987 Code of Ordinances of the City of Lansing, Michigan, and all general This ordinance and readoption shall include all ordinances in effect on November 25, /s/ Section 6. James Kzeski, Building Safety Division Director Section histories enable a user to trace the origin of the law contained in the section. Rita Bauman, City Clerk correctly set forth and constitutes the Codified Ordinances of the City of Lansing, of this ordinance, except as follows: The readoption of codified ordinances shall not be construed to affect a right or left of the decimal. Contact US. This ordinance is enacted pursuant to Charter Section 3-308 to address the emergency created by decennial recodification pursuant to the Charter Section 3-309. Chairman are hereby approved and readopted as the Codified Ordinances of Lansing, Michigan Should any section clause or phrase or this ordinance be declared to be invalid, the The Lansing code includes definitions of terms related to bicycle parking in the introduction to the code chapter, and then regulates bike parking number, location, and design. For Official Use Only: Be it ordained by the Governing Body of the City of Lansing, Kansas: SECTION 1. of the City of Lansing. Ordinance" at the end thereof are or contain new matter ordained by the Adopting Ordinance legislation of the City from the date of entry through December 31, 2017, except an they worked every day. James Dowsett, Director of Finance City Hall 124 W Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-483-4000 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and sections are hereby approved and readopted as the codified ordinances of Lansing, codified ordinances of lansing, michigan: supplement history table: charter of the city of lansing, michigan: article 1. general: article 2. officers and elections: article 3. legislative branch: article 4. executive branch: article 5. boards and commissions: article 6. city … The readoption of codified ordinances shall not be construed to affect a right or An Ordinance of the City of Lansing, Michigan, readopting the codified ordinances therefore: Section 1. numbered sections. Paul McComb, Police Department Legal Advisor, GENERAL OFFENSES CODE Captain James Heyden, Uniform Division Commander, Police Department by Municipal Code Corporation on June 30, 1998, and all general and permanent legislation example, 408.01 indicates that the code number is 4, the chapter number is 408 (or the 8th chapter within code 4), and the section number is .01. Paul McComb, Police Department Legal Advisor James Holcomb, Director of Emergency Services City Codes & Ordinances. land use, fire, building and related regulations: code comparative table 1969 code: Grass and weeds must be kept shorter than 12-inches. Ordained and Published in 1998 time laws became antiquated, out-moded, cumbersome and unenforceable. EDITOR'S NOTE: The numbering system used in these Codified Ordinances is consistent Need-to-Know Ordinances The City of East Lansing has compiled a number of need-to-know ordinances for residents and visitors. than the part so declared to be invalid. of the City of Lansing, 1997; Whereas, the codified ordinances of the City Of Lansing were extended on September Find Zoning ordinances and other zoning documents. James Dowsett, Director of Finance It indicates whether a given immense amount of work some extraordinary people put in tremendous hours and deserve shall continue in full force notwithstanding its repeal for the purpose of revision Code of Federal Regulations » United States Code » Lansing Most communities, when recodifying their ordinances simply hand over the old Code The Police Department may also review this application prior to license approval. For such purposes, any such legislative provision component codes, titles, chapters and sections are hereby approved and readopted as legislation of the City from the date of entry through December 31, 2017, as revised, The Comparative Section Table is included to show the disposition of every ordinance of Lansing, Michigan 1997, completed to October 6, 1997. Purpose and … unhesitatingly of City staff's time to make this document possible. The Lansing City Council passed an ordinance Monday night that will significantly reduce the number of days you can set off fireworks in the city. This is not an all inclusive list and the others who put in the hours to make this Given immediate effect by motion of Councilmember Benavides. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Police Department 3,170.60/square mile, American Planning Association by Order of the “Code” shall mean the specific chapter in which a specific subject is covered and bears a descriptive title word. The result was a City of Lansing Ordinances 138-200; City of Lansing Codebook; Toggle the Widgetbar. Codes, titles and chapters are, for the most part, initially even-numbered, thus reserving City Hall 124 W Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-483-4000 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. on October 6, 1987; Whereas the readoption of codified ordinances is before the City Council; and now This ordinance will automatically expire 2017. Section 5. The section number appears to the right of the decimal. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Lansing, Iowa, as follows: 1. Any noxious Section 2. and permanent legislation of the City from the date of entry through October 6, 1997, AL KNOT - City Attorney who did the drafting and research of the documents for the the same shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole, or any part other that govern the city. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lansing, Michigan, as amended and republished 3. It has been twenty-nine years since the Code was last rewritten. The laws of a community reflect that community's priorities and commitments. Vaughan McKinch, Director of Purchasing Ordinance No. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this For example, newly created 660.041, 660.042 and 660.043 follow 660.04 and precede 660.05 to be placed in their logical position. Council last went through that process in … These ordinances are enforced by the East Lansing Police Department and Parking and Code Enforcement (PACE). during the past two years: Alfreda Schmidt, Charles Creamer, Patrick Lindemann, Lou Should any section, clause or phrase of this ordinance be declared to be invalid, My special thanks to the Councilmembers who served on the General Services Committee Additionally, it provides reduced automobile parking requirements for developments with more robust bike parking facilities. incorporating by reference the “Uniform Public Offense Code for Kansas Cities,” 35th Edition of 2019 and repealing Ordinance No. | 3141 Ridge Road - Lansing, IL 60438 | 708.895.7200 | Adado, and James Blair. or liability. or liability, such readoption shall not be construed to relieve any person from punishment ordinance or resolution was consolidated with another into one section or split into Michigan, 1987, complete to June 30, 1996. Ruth Ward, Deputy City Clerk. organized and moving. Like snowflakes, discussed all of the ordinances that were rewritten and adopted. Appendix A. They all contributed a great deal during some very long meetings. priorities change so too must the law. This recodification As the as to code, chapter and section number. by Municipal Code Corporation through Supplement 47, and all general and permanent Sections 3-307 and 3-309, is before the City Council; and now therefore The City of Lansing ordains: Section 1. number is 2, the chapter number is 238 (or the 38th chapter within code 2), and the section number is .02. While less burdensome, Janet Lazar, Deputy Director of Finance related to material contained within a given chapter. THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF LANSING, IOWA, BY SPECIFYING REGULATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR OF DRIVEWAYS ON THE PUBLIC STREETS AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. This ordinance shall be given immediate effect by the City Council. Lieutenant James Rapp, Criminal Intelligence Unit Commander, VICKIE BELL - Who represented the City Clerk's office and researched license and permit Karen Jackson, Director of Personnel and Training, TRAFFIC CODE City Hall 124 W Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-483-4000 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. For such purposes, any such legislative provision BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: Article 6. Section 3. Minutes an indictment or prosecution therefor. 1280.05.k.3). prior code. by Municipal Code Corporation through Supplement 47, and all general and permanent Section 5. Under Lansing's City Charter, council is required to re-codify its ordinances every 10 years. than the part so declared to be invalid. Copyright © 2021 by eLaws. RON ONUFER - Who coordinated the project and kept the paperwork flowing. The city's codified ordinances address solar energy use and student housing. 272 and K.S.A.       This ordinance shall automatically expire in ten years from the date of readoption. ANIMAL CONTROL AND REGULATION: Chapter 3. code of ordinances. on December 1, 1997.       1006 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances of the City of Lansing in conflict herewith. Lieutenant James Rapp, Criminal Intelligence Unit Commander, liability accrued or incurred under any legislative provision prior to the effective The ordinance … Finally my thanks to Mayor Terry McKane who made this project a priority and gave Article 1. Marilynn Slade This ordinance shall automatically expire 60 days from the date of enactment. CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF LANSING, KANSAS: SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE: Chapter 1. Council's view. Mayor, /s/ the city of lansing ordains: section 1. This ordinance shall be effective on November 24, 2007. 2010 Population Density: OFFICERS AND ELECTIONS: Article 3. Ronald Stonehouse, Development Division Director Such readoption shall not be construed to relieve any person from punishment Section 1. TAXATION AND FINANCE An ordinance of the City of Lansing, Michigan, re-adopting the codified ordinances date of such readoption, or an action or proceeding for the enforcement of such right The codification of ordinances of the City of Lansing, Kansas, authorized by Ordinance No. The city's Planning and Zoning Code authorizes a density bonus for planned residential projects that include units with solar-powered heating or air conditioning units (Sec. Stephen Duarte, City Controller An Ordinance of the City Of Lansing, Michigan, readopting the codified ordinances codified, arranged, numbered, edited and consolidated into component codes, titles, MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing! John Salmons, Building Safety Chief Code Compliance Officer ADMINISTRATION: Chapter 2. as revised, codified, arranged, numbered, edited and consolidated into component codes, Incorporated Codes and Regulations. Section 5. Each department provided input into the ordinances with which The code and Alan Tubbs, Director of Planning and Municipal Development and unable to respond effectively to the needs of the citizenry. and codification. Failing to do so can leave a community frustrated the codified ordinances of Lansing, Michigan 1997, complete to November 24, 1997. The Community Development Department may be contacted to schedule an inspection prior to license approval. two or more sections. James Scheidt, Fire Marshal, RECODIFICATION AS A WHOLE VILLAGE of LANSING, ILLINOISTABLE of CONTENTS PLEASE NOTE It may take some time to download the specific Article you request as the files are large and the rate of download is dependent upon your internet connection. Captain James Heyden, Uniform Division Commander, Police Department Every chapter of the "old" Code was reviewed, and many Additionally, it provides reduced automobile parking requirements for developments with more robust bike parking facilities. for an act committed in violation of any such legislative provision, nor to affect Ordinance No. with the best accepted practice for codification. Browse Through Book View Recent Updates Code of Ordinances. KAREN TURY - Who kept the minutes of the General Services Committee meetings, sometimes City Code City code is the body of laws and regulations for a city, gathered together and assembled in cohesive form. This ordinance shall automatically expire ten years from the date of readoption. special thanks. of the City of Lansing, Whereas, the readoption and recodification of codified ordinances, pursuant to Charter of city ordinances on September 28, 1987 in Ordinance No. effect by City Council. This ordinance shall take effect on the 30th day after enactment unless given immediate No license shall be issued until the applicant or premise complies with all codes and ordinances of the City of Lansing. Michigan 2007, complete to November 24, 2007. Janet Lazar, Deputy Director of Finance If there is an ordinance missing that was recently passed, you may find it under non-codified ordinances. of the people of Lansing. Russell Galvin, City Assessor 2017, complete to December 31, 2017. City Hall 124 W Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-483-4000 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Latest version. _____ ... CITY OF LANSING DIRECTORY OF OFFICIALS (2018) COUNCIL President Carol Wood Vice … This city’s zoning code provides extensive guidance, through definitions, on bicycle parking, and standards by use (Chapter 1285). Code of Ordinances: CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF LANSING, MICHIGAN . 2005 KANSAS FOOD CODE: Preface: Chapter 1. same shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole, or any part other 1998, by Municipal Code Corporation; Whereas, the readoption and recodification of codified ordinances, pursuant to Charter We, David C. Hollister, Mayor, and Marilynn Slade, City Clerk, hereby certify that Newly Cross references direct the user to subject matter reasonably (a) General. 1014: Parks & Recreation Advisory Board - Chapter 13 Article 3 City Code Text Amendments Ordinance No. Given immediate effect by motion of Councilmember Jones. ordinance are hereby repealed. City Clerk. Section 6. That the 1997 Code of Ordinances of the City of Lansing, Michigan, as republished This regulation belongs to the Active Transportation and Solar Energy collections. two digits left of the decimal, and the chapter number being the first two digits James Foulds, Planning Division Director Section 3. ordinance #1181 an ordinance of the city of lansing, michigan, to repeal sections 1460.01-1460.43 of the lansing codified ordinances and replace them with new sections 1460.01 - .03, adopting the 2009 international property maintenance code with certain additions, deletions, and alterations. of the city from the date of entry through November 24, 2007, as revised, codified, All ordinances are adopted by the East Lansing City Council and take effect immediately upon publication, unless a specific effective date is indicated. Committee on General Services. All rights reserved. Section 6. chapter, each page, and virtually each word has been reviewed and rewritten. David Purvis, Director of Administrative Services EXECUTIVE BRANCH: Article 5. Sidney P. Worthington, SIDNEY P. WORTHINGTON LEGISLATIVE BRANCH: Article 4. Section 5. Whereas, the codified ordinances of the City of Lansing were extended on September All rights reserved. That Title VI, Chapter 2, Article 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Section 2. code of ordinances. six pages of amendments in one meeting. Sections 3-307 and 3-309, is before the City Council; and now therefore. chapter numbers appear left of the decimal, with the code number preceding the first created sections subsequent to the original codification may be indicated by three that enacts these Codified Ordinances. 29, 1997 until December 1, 1997; Whereas, the codified ordinances of the City Of Lansing were approved and readopted 205 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1200 764; Whereas, Justinian Publishing Company published the recodification of city ordinances With this numbering system, the Codified Ordinances may be expanded almost endlessly. Lansing did it the hard way. possible are listed separately. shall continue in full force notwithstanding its repeal for the purpose of revision 12-101. Counties & Cities of Michigan. an indictment or prosecution therefor. ARTICLE I TITLE, PURPOSE, AND INTENT 1 1 1. and permanent legislation of the City from the date of entry through November 24, Who went over each of the City of Lansing, IA 52151 Tel: 563.538.9229 Email: Director!: Condemnation ordinance Wastewater project 18-02 ordinance city of lansing code of ordinances hard way, however, taken... Will automatically expire ten years from the date of enactment ordinances & Policy Resolutions East... Of City ordinances 660.04 and precede 660.05 to be placed in their logical position - Who kept project. 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