He messaged me early last week that he was sorry for treating me badly in our relationship and I deserve better than who he is right now. Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber are back together--and she deleted Shawn Mendes off … Is he moving on? Work on your Holy Trinity and then when you are at day 31 you can reach out with a text or other type of message you prefer to speak with him, about something you know he is interested in and would have a short positive conversation, making sure you are the one to end the conversation first. He will be wondering about these questions, and probably a ton of other questions as well. One of my closest friends is also one of his. Anonymous. I’d have thought it was pretty obvious. Have you spent any time following the rules of the No Contact? He didn’t want to do something one day and I just exploded, he then broke it off there and told me it was my fault. I know that’s not what most women want to hear, especially if they want to get their exes back, but it’s true and it’s very possible that the new woman he’s dating made him do it. He saw the message, but he didn’t reply. Why has my ex deleted me from every social networking website? I sent congratulations because it felt like the kind thing to do, much like how he contacted me after the births of my children for example.I don't see him in a romantic way and haven't for a very long time. Things have been amicable and the breakup was due to “lack of spark” but after analysing it all, I know it was a mix of him not being able to maturely communicate his feelings and me being fully dependent on him and the relationship. 4,156 4.2K. With this new girl, he is experiencing the honeymoon stage of the relationship. 1. But, if your break up wasn’t all that bad, and you still want to remain on good terms, then it’s perfectly fine to add him back on social media once you’ve taken your much-needed vacation from him. We've known each other since we were practically kids. It's possible that he did, and only now he has met somebody he wants to share his life with he wants to cut the cord which I could understand if that were the case.It's a shame he doesn't want/feel able to remain in touch albeit infrequently but I respect his decision and wish him all the best. No one should judge you on what you decide to do post-breakup. One day all of a sudden he deleted me from social media. You’re heartbroken and discombobulated. We hooked up and he stopped halfway through and said he didnt think he could do it and he actually liked me/enjoyed spending time together. I posted tons of photos after the breakup obviously hoping he’d see them and reinforcing the UG concept. She may have had bad past experiences with exes. I haven’t said anything to him in over a month and a half. And then reach out with a text that Chris suggests in his articles and videos. After our breakup he wanted to remain friends but it was too hard for me. The following day, I sent him a message to let him know I am here if he wants to talk, but I want him to be well and understand if he needs time. Delete old messages and photos, unfollow your ex’s accounts, and even better, take a break from social media altogether. It may seem it won’t take a toll in your life, but it will — especially if you are the dumpee. Despite everything I messaged him back that morning once as even though I was broken I still loved him deeply and would do anything to speak to him. Before diving into reasons your ex may have unfollowed you on social media, I’d like to point out a few things you shouldn’t post on social media: That may be true, but doing any of those things come across as desperate, which is certainly NOT the position from where you will re-attract your ex! I hadn’t even gotten a chance to do/post anything that was “UG Girl”. I was then meant to see him a couple of days later and he said he wanted space. My ex and I have been on off for about 7 months but we’re official for a couple of months. However you are only a few days into No Contact so make sure that you spend this time working on your Holy Trinity and see how you feel nearer the end of your No Contact if you want to get your ex back and reach out or if you want to move on. Even if he was being a jerk, and trying to bait you to get a reaction out of you, then I can’t tell you how important it is to hold your ground and lift your head high. If you want this to change then something has to change about you and your ex. Twitter. Depending on how a breakup went down, exes unfollowing each other on social media is pretty standard. my ex hasn't blocked/unfriended me on social media despite no contact . In many ways, social media has made it easy for us to behave in ways that would historically be considered to have violated our partner’s privacy. When we broke up 6 months ago she deactivated her Facebook but she got it back a few weeks ago. Hi Sole, often people do this so that they can post things without you seeing what they are doing. None of those memories were positive, unfortunately. You need to go into a No Contact period where you are not talking to him or accepting phone calls from him for 45 days and then start following the being there method, Hi, He said he still hopes we can meet after coronavirus lockdown is lifted. In the end, he did the only thing he knew how to, and unfollowed you on social media. If you need help urgently, please see our domestic violence webguide and/or relationships webguide, which can point you to expert advice and support. Please help me. So don’t even mention the un-following on SM when you eventually speak with him again. What eventually made me delete him completely from all of my social media this week however is the fact that he's kept leaving me on read whenever we've been talking (always in … But, if you keep popping up on his news feed, there’s no way he can move on. When you're dating, it's not unusual to post a ton of pictures of you and your partner on Facebook and Instagram. Your ex is wrestling with his emotions and going through his own weird battle. Good question. My ex and I have been broken up since Dec 4th and i have successfully done no contact since the 5th (setting up a time for him to pick up his things and return my keys). They've only been together about six months and he doesn't live in the same city as me and our close mutual friend, our friend hasn't met her so unless he has chosen to mention me himself I fail to see how that could be the issue.I'm thinking it's along the lines of "forget the past and focus on the future" but I wasn't aware he was harbouring any negative feelings toward me. Now I remember why we broke up.”. I did not react. 0 0. I no longer contacted him after he broke it off, he then messaged me out of the blue asking about my relatives and we then started a back and forth texting over months. Do I still reach out after 45-60 days? Since it’s too painful for him to see photos of you or know what you’re doing, he wants to get the image of you out of his head. I stopped watching his insta stories but kept following him. My boyfriend just broke up with me 4 days back we’ve known each other for nearly 5 year but we were just friends we fell in love just 5 months back we have family issues due to which we cannot be together I wanted to be friends we tried but few days back he said that he has to pull the bandage once and ended all relations with me didn’t even replay to my text and unfollowed me. Keep working the program and you will see results if you keep working the Ungettable. The relationship was toxic and she got scared of it repeating itself, so she says, and she backed off. Then I realized my ex had not only deleted me, but he also blocked me. Been blocked / unfriended on social media by an ex after months of NC. I said I missed him too and can’t wait for him to come home and be his partner in crime. It is time to cut the cord I think. I said I respect that and left him be. Should I reach out? I’m in a really difficult situation. ... so why delete me now!! It is more likely that he has no feelings towards you at all. Today she deleted like 15 pics from her social media. She muted me on Instagram and asked me for 3 weeks of space. I kept the type of friends who I would send a Christmas card to only. 2. Should I contact one of his friends is something I’m contemplating can you please help me work this out on what to do from this point it’s been only four days but I’m feeling helpless I don’t know if he’s blocked me via phone but good chance he will not reply so just as well. Ex deleted photos of us on social media, but didn’t unfriend me off anything? It's quite common. He messaged a few times to check on me and i told him not to unless there was something to talk about. It is very important that you do not react, because if you do, you are essentially handing power and control back to him. Your ex is wrestling with his emotions and going through his own weird battle. To ask them to delete that is like asking them to delete huge chunks of their life and memories forever. Why hasn't my ex deleted/blocked me off social media? Hi Lucy, don’t focus on social media movements as this is usually done during emotional times for your ex. Perhaps he views you as the past and wants to focus on the future. Whatever her reason may be, she is feeling threatened by you. The person with whom you have shared so many things was suddenly plucked out of your life. I logged onto Facebook and saw that I was one friend down. After this weekend I went out with some guy friends and had an amazing time, and posted a photo of my guy friends. I just really wanted that platform to reattract. Hi Harriet, when he takes the time to unfollow you this is not that he does not care, it is in fact the opposite it bothered him enough to remove you. I called him to ask what was wrong (a mistake obviously), he said he wanted to move on and having me there wasn't helping. Archived. My boyfriend dumped me 6 weeks ago and this past week I decided to delete him off of facebook, Instagram and snapchat. After the break up I decided to delete her from all the social media accounts like Instagram, twitter, tumblr, and facebook. In the end, he did the only thing he knew how to, and unfollowed you on social media. So my ex had broken up with me 2 weeks ago and since then he had been stringing me along saying he wants to get back, then he doesn't etc. Hey Emily, I can not tell you if you should move on or not that is up to you. But Facebook was a whole different ball game. At any rate, there is a high chance that she is a rebound and you have very little to fear. Hi Galilea, you need to do the work to become Ungettable during your No Contact as this is not going to just be about you not reaching out to him. Alternatively his fiancé asked him to delete you, I agree with sittingontheveranda. Relevance. He might see you as just an Ex, rather than an old friend like you see him. Hi, I need help please, I was in a long distance relationship for 3 years, during those 3 years we only broke up once, and after that we fell so hard in love we were freaking best friends we shared so much!!! Them being with another person instead of yourself. He has definitely deleted me as I clicked on the profile and it showed that he was no longer on my friends list, with an option to add him.I certainly won't be reaching out as it's very clear he doesn't wish to remain in contact, I'm just a bit disheartened because we've known each other a very long time and I haven't said anything to provoke this out of the blue?I did wonder whether it was because his fiance didn't want him keeping in touch but then I don't see how she could know about me or feel threatened. I would delete an ex off of all my social media if I dont want a constant reminder of him or want to move on. The ways you'll benefit from avoiding your ex on social media go deeper than 'out of sight, out of mind.' And the best way he can do this is by unfollowing you. As I have mentioned before, he will naturally become curious at some point. But he’s already unfollowed me! They are: Reasons #1 and #2 show that you still affect him, and this is precisely what you would hope for. Desperate for some advice, my ex broke up with me about a month and a half ago and we lived in the same flat. When it comes to social media, he may have unfollowed you to: It boils down to how much reactivity they can trigger out of you because reactivity = control. I think he was just not ready to commit to someone. Follow. Ex deleted me from social media 1 year after breakup. In fact, he may be experiencing greater pain since breaking up with someone definitely takes courage. Let things unfold naturally. This is why it is encouraged that you keep some of your social media posts public. Follow. If he reaches out to you in the next 45 days just ignore him. Ex has suddenly removed me from social media, why? . I broke up with my ex because I caught him in many lies and stuff with other girls. To Finally Forget About Your Ex And Move On, You NEED To Stop Following His Updates. I won’t be in the country so I am giving him the space to do this himself. Anonymous. Had enough of my family. Lil. Posted by 3 years ago. 0 0. What’s an Ungettable Girl? My ex does still follow me on Instagram, though I unfollowed him and deleted him off Facebook, and he looks at every story I post too (I think with stories that even if you follow someone, you have to actively go and open their stories to view them). Even so, he insisted on a break for his mental well-being because he feels stressed and depressed. It’s gonna be a month without talking to each other this Saturday the 25th….i want to talk to him and earn him back go back to how we were, i still havent accepted hes moved on! Hi Linda, I would have told you to stop him from being able to follow your calendar anyway as you do not want him knowing where and who you are with all the time anyway. ( 5 weeks ) I finally delete him because I thought why should you ghost me and still see what I’m up too. . Who knows, but far more importantly, who cares? I only discovered this tonight and he could have unfriended me weeks ago so it's not going to be a massive loss, I'm just a bit disappointed because it's clear that he didn't see me as a friend after all, as I did him. Image: Mashable/Bob Al-Greene By Chloe Bryan 2018-02-11 22:13:08 UTC. I still love her but she seems very hesistent to make eye contact. Knowing him I do think it's personal, not necessarily in a hurtful way but an end to an era perhaps. Alright, now that we have established what you should and should not post, let us jump into why your ex-boyfriend might have unfollowed you on social media. It is a reflection of him and where he is at. Why hasn't my ex deleted/blocked me off social media? I certainly didn't pester him or make a nuisance of myself on his posts. “Social media has given us more accessible outlets for those issues. Some guys will do this even if they start talking to or dating a new girl. I fear that he might hate or resent me for doing so. It is your social media, your relationship. Rather, they paint the picture of a desperate and heartbroken person who is still hung up over her ex and can’t move on with life. You can’t fake it, because trust me, your ex will notice. I've gone on strike! 4 Answers. I found out by asking a friend to check out his profile—it was still showing up on her computer, so clearly I was blocked and there was nothing wrong with his profile. He is likely fed up of the back and forth between you both and realised that one of you needs to break the pattern you have created. Breakups & Exes; By Lindsey Lazarte; We now live in a time where breaking up is rarely the end of the relationship. If you freaked out and started demanding why he unfollowed you, those negative memories can be triggered. It could be his fiance doesn't want him in contact with exes - or it could be that he's had a Facebook cull. Now I've just realised tonight that he has deleted me from social media as he came up in my suggested friends. Not only do you have your emotions to deal with, you also have friends, family, and the Internet trying to tell you what to do. Am I making a mistake? Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. But, when you break up, you're left with pictures of your ex all over social media. 2 years ago. You should definitely continue posting pictures of your new self on social media, and to the extent which you are comfortable, make your posts public. D see them and reinforcing the UG concept you on social media, then you definitely. 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ex deleted me from social media
ex deleted me from social media 2021